SIKA MonoTop-910 S – JUNO


SIKA MonoTop-910 S

Sika MonoTop®-910 S is a cementitious, polymer modified one-component coating material containing silica
fume used as bonding primer and reinfocement corrosion protection.

Suitable as a bonding primer as part of a concrete
repair system.
Suitable as reinforcement corrosion protection as part of a concrete repair system.
? CE certified to EN 1504-7 and EN 1504-4.

Sizes: Cubo 4 kg
Practical coverage
Como capa de adherencia: 2 -2,5 kg/m2
Como protección de armaduras: 2,0 kg/m2 (se requieren dos capas)
Drying time
Min: 4-5 hours at 20º C
Repaint time
Minimum: 4-5 hours a +20º C
  • To be mixed with water only
  • Excellent adhesion on steel and concrete
  • Good resistance against the penetration of water and chlorides
  • Insensitive to humidity
  • Good mechanical properties
  • Can be sprayed wet

Application with a brush or short-pile roller or with the help of a suitable sprayer, on previously prepared and moistened surface until capillary saturation.
Pot life: 75 mins.
Stir product at low-speed using electric mixer.
For armour protection apply a an approx. 1 mm thick coat, with a hard bristle brush or spray gun.
For more information, consult TDS.