Aquatapa – JUNO



Odourless water-based stain block primer. Formulated with acrylic resins with stain resistant properties to seal, bind and prevent the migration of
stains through the paint film.
For interior walls and ceilings.

Recommended for stains including smoke damage,
nicotine/inks and ideal for areas exposed to smoke,
steam or condensation (boilers outlets, tanks, fireplaces).
Seals mineral substrates such as powdery surfaces,
limewash and distemper. Also recommended as a
finishing coat.

Use: Interior
Sizes: 15 Litres, 4 Litres, 750 ML
Practical coverage
4-8 m²/L/coat
Ready to use. Do not dilute.
Soapy water
Drying time
1-2 hours Touch dry
Repaint time
Minimum. 12 hours
Maximum. Unlimited
  • Extraordinary adherence and whiteness
  • Excellent hiding power
  • Isolates stains from nicotine, smoke, tannins, etc.
  • Adjusts absorbtion
  • No need for sanding when repainting.
Fire retardant B-s1, d0

Brush, roller or spraying.
Stir paint throughly until completely homogenized. Apply on consistent, clean, completely dry surfaces, free from efflorescence (saltpetre) and mould. For more information, consult TDS.