Dynapok HBAC Aluminium 2/C – JUNO


Dynapok HBAC Aluminium 2/C

2-Pack Galvanized effect anticorrosive primer.
Formulated with zinc-powder, aluminium and cyclized rubber.

Recommended as a midcoat in epoxy and polyurethane systems in environments subject to aggressive or marine atmospheres. Good adhesion on surfaces where blasting cannot be carried out and cleaning must be carried out manually.
In general also applied as a maintenance primer for industrial plants, structures, tanks, bridges, pipes etc.

Sizes: 15 Litres, 4 Litres
Practical coverage
6,4 m²/l
Thinner D-90
Thinner D-90
Drying time
2 hours
Repaint time
24 hours
Solids content
125 microns
Anti-corrosive system C-5 HIGH

Application with brush, conventional/airless spraying.
PRIMED STEEL-IRON: Compatible with most types of adequately clean and aged coatings, free from rust, dirt, oil and grease.
MAINTENANCE WORK: Remove loose flaking paint by wire brushing, scrapers, prefabricated synthetic fabrics containing abrasives and rust-removing hammers. Manually degrease the surface eliminating salts and other contaminants by pressure washing. In the case of very deteriorated surfaces, shot blasting to Sa 2½ is recommended.
IRON AND STEEL: Steel surfaces must be completely clean.
To achieve good protection, abrasive blasting up to Sa 2 ½ grade according to ISO 8501-1 is recommended.
Stir component A in its container and once homogenized add component B slowly to it (in the indicated proportions), while mechanically stirring at low speed. Shake for 2 minutes until perfectly homogenized. Let the mixture rest for 10 minutes. Do not use the primer after its exceeded potlife ( 2½ hours after mixing component A+B).
For more information consult TDS.